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Lightroom and Bookmaking 4-Session Evening Course

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Lightroom and Bookmaking
4-Session Evening Course

Evening Studio Arts Course

Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ET
Code: 1K00SN
National Museum of Natural History
Computer Lab
10th St & Constitution Ave NW
Metro: Smithsonian
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Rethink the traditional photobook as you explore print-on-demand and simple handmade bookmaking materials and methods. Use the latest version of Lightroom’s Book Module to select, develop, sequence, and lay out images, and produce two or more of your own books.

Participants learn about tools, techniques, materials, software, and vendors. They create two types of photo collections in book form using existing photos from a variety of sources, and use free internet-based software to publish them.

Photobook topics covered include identifying an audience, setting objectives, editing and sequencing, titling, and captions. The course offers samples, demos, and online materials for reference and review. Students familiar with Lightroom can make good use of the program, but it is not a requirement.

Book materials are not included.

Instructor: Barbara Southworth

4 sessions; 3 hours each